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Montessori 6-9 years

L’enfant devient membre d’une petite société. Il a un grand sens de la justice et construit sa conscience morale. Il cherche à développer ses compétences sociales et veut exercer son propre jugement moral.

Il possède un grand pouvoir d’abstraction et de raisonnement ; il recherche les relations entre les causes et les effets. Il s’intéresse à tout et veut tout comprendre. Ce n’est plus l’esprit absorbant qui domine, mais l’esprit explorateur. Ses intérêts n’ont pas de limites et le conduisent dans tous les domaines de la culture.


The child becomes a member of a small society. He has a great sense of justice and builds his moral conscience. The child seeks to develop social skills and wishes to exercise its own moral judgment.
The child has a great power of abstraction and reasoning, researching the relationship between cause and effect. Interested in everything and wanting everything. It is no longer absorbent mind that dominates, but the explorer spirit. The interests have no limits and brings the child in all areas of culture.


Objectives of the elementary class

This period marks the age of the sensitive period of the imagination. The important thing is not what the child can perceive through the senses, but what is beyond this possibility not been grasped by the imagination.
The child’s world must go beyond the classroom. Trends led him instead to group activities.
It is a period where the child can acquire solid knowledge in all disciplines.
The mission of the elementary class is to guide the child toward “self-education” through the discovery of the world that Maria Montessori calls the “Cosmic Education”


Preparing the environment

Preparing the environment for 6-12 years children shall endeavor to comply:
• the need for the child to escape from a restricted environment
• the transition to abstraction and pleasure to reason
• birth of the moral sense
• Social Development
• the acquisition of culture