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The École Montessori de Laval operates under two licenses: the Ministère de la Famille et des Aînés for Kindergarten and the Ministère de l’enseignement privé for maternal and child first primary cycle. This gives us the opportunity to welcome children from 3 to 8 years.

Our 2nd cycle will start in September 2016 and our 3rd cycle in September 2018.

The school is affiliated to the International Montessori Association.

The school therefore must respect and program of training in Quebec schools, as the philosophy and pedagogy of Dr. Maria Montessori.

The Kindergarten and preschool are there to give the core curriculum for the child; all prerequisites for its academic and school life; Such foundations that will allow the child to go as far as possible in learning.

Our main goal at the Montessori school in Laval is to train tomorrow’s citizens in respect of the Québec Education Program.

We focus on:

  • Transmit the cultural heritage
  • Ensure that students are absorbing their culture, their environment
  • Expand the range of child adjustments towards the society
  • Allow children to continue their quest of understanding the world

To do this we annually establish an educational project, in which we can see all the action taken by the school to apply, adapt and enrich the training program established by the Minister.

Examples of objectives set
in place in
the class to achieve these skills
  • Gymnastics
  • Orientation in space
  • Fine motor exercises
  • Develop self-confidence
  • To choose his work, namely making choices = freedom and autonomy
  • Respect collective rules of life
  • Learning to share
  • Politeness
  • Learn to collaborate in the work
  • Knowing how to work with pairs
  • Learning to live together
  • Group discussion workshops
  • Learning letters
  • Working phonics
  • Read / write
  • Vocabulary building
  • Scientific workshops, geography, botany, zoology
  • Available equipment to experiment different phenomena (magnetic / non -magnétique floats / sinks .)
  • Creating presentations / small experiments to present to the class. (work done by students)
  • Knowing how to organize his work, his work space and delineate namely respect
  • Respect the work space of friends
  • Knowing store his equipment
  • Knowing how to take care of the equipment
  • How to manage their equipment when handling.



In this process of development through workshops offered students will learn gradually:

  • Develop problem solving strategies
  • In teamwork
  • To assert their identity
  • To develop harmonious relationships with their peers
  • Set up different working methods
  • Demonstrate ethical sense
  • Implement their artistry
  • Through focus group exercise critical sense, respect its pairs leaving present their view on the topic, able to listen and give his opinion and act wisely.

All these points are related to the development:

  • In social life
  • Of self-knowledge
  • In language communication within a group.

In the classroom, outside the collective learning workshops and individual presentations, students can choose the work they want to practice. Being able to choose their workshops for learning of concepts, enables students to learn at their own pace without constraint or comparison with its peers, so without fear of failure, competition of the best. Therefore learning exempted becoming more accessible, more fun for everyone, students perceive learning as a transcendence, a personal challenge, not a frustration of being better than the other. Process influenced by both, the cognitive and the emotional, will allow the child to “mature” prior learning, change, restructure cognitively from new acquisitions. Thus learning is a personal construction but moreover marked by his intellectual environment and social interactions.

The preschooler is still rooted in the imagination. One of the school’s mission is to learning situation; to give him a task, and place in a complex and meaningful position (on his worn, so do not put it up for failure).

From there, through interaction with his peers and the teacher’s mediation the child will not be able to place various ways to perform this task.

To do that, he will mobilize the knowledge, skills, placing themselves in problem-solving situations and evaluate its approach based on the results obtained.

Gradually we bring the student to understand its limits and exceed them in order to go as far as possible in learning.

The child gradually builds itself. This construction will awaken an approach, a cognitive-order strategy, affective and emotional. This construction will allow the student to gradually restore balance between his earlier representation of the world and his new understanding of reality.

We therefore actively participate to erase, to reduce the discrepancy between reality and the image that is in fact the child.

We are here to place the student at the heart of learning in order to offer a working methodology, a confidence in his skills and abilities. Whereby the student will be aware of this learning process = make it a student, a student of tomorrow, a citizen of the world.

The teacher needs to know stimulate, motivate children. Knowledge their unborn intellectual curiosity as a guide, a mediator between knowledge and students.

To be the best guide, the teacher must be able, should appreciate his students.

To do this we use grids of the six skills to acquire the ministry. We ensure that children can find everything they need to achieve these goals. It is important to include the child in this evaluation process. This is the metacognition that will build trust, autonomy and independence required for the construction of the child.

The evaluation then enters a circlelearning-assessment diagnostic assessment to locate the child in the learning process of personal enrichment. This evaluation process gives us the ability to better guide the child and allows us to better respond and act in a timely manner in case of problems.

The Québec Education Program is such a reference for planning learning, teaching and assessment. For us it is a structured and structured framework for the acquisition by the student of an integrated set of knowledge and skills to take him as far as possible in the learning process and make it suitable for a citizen his time and his environment.

Link between Le Ministère and the Montessori program

Objectives of the Children’s House

  • Build self-confidence in children.
  • Build the inner freedom of the child.
  • Train the citizens of tomorrow adapted to their environment, their time and their time.

To achieve these objectives, the Children’s House will propose exercises focused on everyday life, among others, to empower the child to practice the usual practice of his social group and in the greatest respect for its pace of development.

It is by manipulating the child will be able to isolate the difficulty focusing to successfully acquire self-confidence, inner freedom.

In the Montessori pedagogy, there are 4 major groups of main activities:

  1. Practical life
  2. Sensory
  3. The language
  4. Mathematics

And 6 groups of activities but underlying interconnected to the main activities:

  1. Botany, zoology
  2. geography
  3. Sciences
  4. Visual arts
  5. Music
  6. Gymnastics